Learn Spanish 7: Most used Spanish verbs SER ESTAR HABER TENER

Learn Spanish 7: Most used Spanish verbs SER ESTAR HABER TENER

Most used Spanish verbs SER ESTAR HABER TENER – Per some student’s initiative, I decided to remake the 1st part of my Free Spanish Course. The many first Spanish lessons will be recorded and posted again with a better video-quality and more in-depth details.

Most used Spanish verbs SER ESTAR HABER TENER

By far, most of Spanish verbs are regular. However. there is a relevant number of irregular verbs as well. And as is usually the case with all languages, the most used Spanish verbs are the most irregular ones.

In this class I will teach you the most used Spanish verbs. You will also learn all the uses each one of these verbs has. I will not be teaching you how to conjugate them right now. But if you go to my older lessons you will find the conjugations. But more important is the fact that here you will learn a few things about each one of these 4 most important Spanish verbs:

  • When do we use SER Vs. ESTAR
  • When and how can the Spanish verb HABER be used
  • Which uses does the Spanish verb TENER have

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

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