Lesson 35: Basic Spanish conversation (Videos 1&2)


Basic Spanish conversation lesson


In our present Spanish lesson we will see a basic Spanish conversation to help practice a bit what we have been learning so far.

Throughout this course I will alternate relatively frequently between Spanish grammar, vocab, Spanish pronunciation, basic dialogs in Spanish and Spanish review lessons.


Our present Spanish conversation from the video-lesson below goes like this:


  • ¿Dónde está el libro rojo? – Where is the red book?
  • Está sobre la mesa. – It is on the table.
  • No. No está. – No. It is not.
  • Entonces está en mi mochila. – Then it is in my backpack.
  • Aquí sólo está el libro verde historia. – Here there is only the green history book.
  • Entonces está en la casa de Martín. – Then it is in Martin’s home.
  • ¿Dónde vive Martín? – Where does Martin live?
  • Martín vive enfrente de lo de Carlos. – Martin lives across the street from Carlos’.
  • Martín vive enfrente de la casa de Carlos. – Martin lives across the street from Carlos’ home.
  • ¿Y cuál es su número de teléfono? – And what is his telephone number?
  • Su número de teléfono es 542-391-0786 (cinco-cuatro-dos-tres-nueve-uno-cero-siete-ocho-seis) – His telephone number is 542-391-0786
  • (Muchas) gracias. – Thank you (very much).
  • De nada. – You are welcome.


To get the most out of the present Spanish conversation, I recommend to practice repeating and pronouncing in a low voice, instead of just listening. When you repeat and pronounce, you practice pronunciation and the muscles of your tongue and mouth start getting familiar with foreign pronunciation. And your hearing starts getting familiar with foreign-tongue words and sounds as well.

You can find a full list of all the video lessons (including more on Spanish sentences)  by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-screen mode, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


  1. You use the sentence “Martin vive en frente a lo de Carlos”. Since you are talking about la casa, why isn’t “en frente a la de Carlos”?


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