Spanish Notes Lessons 20–26 (from my YouTube Spanish course)


Spanish Notes for Lessons 20–26


These Spanish notes have been taken by Darrell Claeys from Lessons 20 – 26.

Thanks to him these notes are now available to everybody. If you want to download the file to print or to save to your computer, click here.

Click here to find the video that includes Spanish lessons 20 – 26.

LECCIÓN 20 ENG: Lesson 20
TIEMPO Parte 2 ENG: Time part 2

¿Qué hora es?

8:15 – (son las) ocho y cuarto/ocho y quince.
ENG: it is eight fifteen.

12:30 – (son las) doce y media/ doce (y) treinta.
ENG: it is twelve thirty.

3:45 – (son las) cuatro menos cuarto/ tres y cuarenta y cinco
ENG: a quarter to four/ Three forty five.

7:55 – Ocho menos cinco/ Siete y cincuenta y cinco
ENG: five to eight / seven fifty five.

8:35 – nueve menos veinticinco / Ocho y treinta y cinco.
ENG: twenty five to nine. / eight thirty five.

11:05 – once y cinco
ENG: eleven oh five.

2:57 – (son) casi las tres / (son las ) dos y cincuenta y siete
ENG: almost three / two fifty seven.

3:02 – (son) pasadas las tres / son las tres /cero dos /y dos minutos
ENG: two after three / three oh two

3:00 – son las tres ( en punto )
ENG: three on the dot (o’clock)

9:50 – (son) las diez menos diez / nueve y cincuenta
ENG: ten to ten / nine fifty

11:10 – (son) las once y diez
ENG: eleven ten

3:08 – son las tres y ocho minutos
ENG: three oh eight

9:15 – Son las nueve y cuarto
ENG: quarter pasted nine

10:45 – son las once menos cuarto
ENG: its a quarter to eleven


LECCIÓN 21 ENG: Lesson 21
VERBOS QUE TERMINAN EN – IR: decidir, prohibir, combatir, salir
ENG: Verbs that end in IR

Decidir ENG: to decide
Prohibir ENG: to prohibit
Combatir ENG: to combat, to fight
Salir ENG: to go out, to get out

Yo decido ENG: I decide
Tú decides ENG: You decide ( informal )
Usted decide ENG: You decide ( formal )
Él/ella decide ENG: He/She decides
Nosotros/as decidimos ENG: We decide
Vosotros/as decidís ENG: You all decide ( Spain )
Ustedes deciden ENG: You all decide ( Latin-America )
Ellos/Ellas deciden ENG: They decide

Yo prohíbo ENG: I prohibit
Tú prohíbes ENG: You prohibit ( informal )
Usted prohíbe ENG: You prohibit ( formal )
Él/ella prohíbe ENG: He/She prohibits
Nosotros/as prohibimos ENG: We prohibit
Vosotros/as prohibís ENG: You all prohibit ( spain )
Ustedes prohíben ENG: You all prohibit
Ellos/Ellas prohíben ENG: They prohibit

Yo combato ENG: I combat
Tú combates ENG: You combat ( informal )
Usted combate ENG: You combat ( formal )
Él/ella combate ENG: He/She combats
Nosotros/as combatimos ENG: We combat
Vosotros/as combatís ENG: You all combat ( spain )
Ustedes combaten ENG: You all combat
Ellos/Ellas combaten ENG: They combat

Yo Salgo* ENG: I go out
Tú sales ENG: You go out ( informal )
Usted sale ENG: You go out ( formal )
Él/ella sale ENG: He/She go out
Nosotros/as salimos ENG: We go out
Vosotros/as salís ENG: You all go out ( spain )
Ustedes salen ENG: You all go out
Ellos/Ellas salen ENG: They go out

* Salir is a Yo-Go verb. Slightly Irregular

Yo vivo ENG: I live
Tú vives ENG: You live ( informal )
Usted vive ENG: You live ( formal )
Él/ella vive ENG: He/She lives
Nosotros/as vivimos ENG: We live
Vosotros/as vivís ENG: You all live ( spain )
Ustedes viven ENG: You all live
Ellos/Ellas viven ENG: They live

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LECCIÓN 22 ENG: Lesson 22

Estoy con ella.
ENG: I am with her.

Estoy sin ella.
ENG: I am without her.

Lo hago por ellos.
ENG: I do it for/because of them.

Esto es para ti.
ENG: this is for you.

Este libro es de historia.
ENG: This is a history book.

Iré a Madrid. ( future tense of ir )
ENG: I’ll go to Madrid.

Tendré cuidado con el perro. ( future tense of tener )
ENG: I’ll be carefull with the dog.

Estoy sin dinero
ENG: I am without money.

Por este motivo debo volver a casa.
ENG: For this reason, I have to return home

¿Para quién es esto?
ENG: Who is this for?

Esa casa es ( la) de Rafael
ENG: That (one) is Rafael’s house.

¿A quién le importa?
ENG: Who cares?

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LECCIÓN 23 ENG: Lesson 23

Mi libro ENG: my book
Mis libros ENG: my books.
Tu casa ENG: your house
Tus Casas ENG: your houses
Su amigo ENG: his/her friend
Sus amigos ENG: his/her friends
Nuestro amigo ENG: our friend
Nuestros amigos ENG: our friends
Nuestra amiga ENG: our friend ( feminine )
Nuestras amigas ENG: our friends ( feminine )
Vuestro amigo ENG: Your friend ( Spain )
Vuestros amigos ENG: Your friends ( Spain )
Vuestra amiga ENG: Your friend ( feminine )
Vuestras amigas ENG: Your friends ( feminine )

Su amigo ENG: your friend (Latin-America)
Sus amigos ENG: Your friends (Latin-America)
Su amiga ENG: Your friend ( only feminine )
Sus amigas ENG: your friends ( all females )
Su amigo ENG: Their friend
Sus amigos ENG: Their friends
Su amiga ENG: Their friend ( only feminine )
Sus amigas ENG: Their friends ( all females )

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LECCIÓN 24 ENG: Lesson 24
ENG: Possessive pronouns and adjectives

Mi camisa blanca.
ENG: My white shirt.

Mi camisa es blanca.
ENG: My shirt is white.

Tu auto nuevo.
ENG: Your new car.

Tu auto es nuevo.
ENG: Your car is new.

Su casa grande.
ENG: His/her big house.

Su casa es grande.
ENG: His/her house is big.

Nuestros pantalones cortos.
ENG: Our short pants

Nuestros pantolones son cortos.
ENG: Our pants are short.

Vuestros libros viejos. ( Spain )
ENG: Your old books.

Vuestros libros son viejos. ( Spain )
ENG: Your books are old.

Sus zapatos rotos. (Latin-America)
ENG: Your broken shoes.

Sus zapatos estan rotos. (Latin-America)
ENG: Your shoes are broken.

Sus calcetines azules.
ENG: Their blue socks.

Sus calcentines son azules.
ENG: Their socks are blue.

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LECCIÓN 25 ENG: Lesson 25
VERBOS QUERER e IR ENG: verb to want and to go.

“Querer” is an irregular verb. Stem change from E to IE.

Yo quiero ENG: I want
Tú quieres ENG: You want ( informal )
Usted quiere ENG: you want ( formal )
Él/ella quiere ENG: He/She wants
Nosotros/as queremos ENG: We want
Vosotros/as queréis ENG: You all want ( Spain )
Ustedes quieren ENG: You all want (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas quieren ENG: They want

Yo voy ENG: I go
Tú vas ENG: You go ( informal )
Usted va ENG: You go ( formal )
Él/ella va ENG: He/She/It goes
Nosotros/as vamos ENG: We go
Vosotros/as vais ENG: You all go ( Spain )
Ustedes van ENG: You all go (Latin-America)
Ellos/Ellas van ENG: They go

Verbo IR is also useful as an auxillary verb, to create Future tense statements.

Yo voy a comer. ENG: I am going to eat.
Tú voy a correr. ENG: You are going to run.
Él va a venir. ENG: He is going to come.
Nosotros vamos a beber. ENG: We are going to drink.
Vosotros vais a vestiros. ENG: You all are going to dress-up.
Ellos van a pintar ENG: They are going to paint.
Yo voy a ir. ENG: I will go.

Another use for the verb “ir”:

Eso va ahí ENG: That goes there

Yo quiero comer. ENG: I want to eat.
Tú quieres sentarte. ENG: You want to sit-down.
Él quiere leer. ENG: He wants to read.
Nosotros queremos té. ENG: We want tea.
Vosotros queréis comida. ENG: You all want food. ( Spain )

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LECCIÓN 26 ENG: Lesson 26
VERBOS QUERER e IR ENG: verb to want and to go.

Quiero un emparedado.
ENG: I want a sandwitch.
Quiero comer un emparedado.
ENG: I want to eat a sandwitch.
Quiero ese emparedado grande.
ENG: I want that big sandwitch.
Primero voy a comer el chico.
ENG: First I will eat the small one.
¿Me prestas la revista azul?
ENG: Lend me the blue magazine?
¿Cuál? ¿La pequeña o la grande?
ENG: Which one? The small one or the big one.

Un hombre grande.
ENG: A big man.
Una mujer grande
ENG: a big woman.
Hombres grandes
ENG: Big men.
Mujeres grandes
ENG: Big women.
Un hombre pequeño.
ENG: a small man.
Una mujer pequeña.
ENG: A small woman.
Hombres pequeños
ENG: Small men
Mujeres pequeñas
ENG: small women.

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